Kid's school bag weighing 15 kg, minor students beaten regularly, finds Commission during surprise check

Ranjeet Gupta
BHOPAL/SHIVPURI: The school bag of a child weighed as much as 15 kg.
This was found during a surprise check by the Madhya Pradesh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (MPSCPCR) team in Shivpuri district.
Besides, children complained to the Commission that they were frequently hit by the teachers. In one case, a child was beaten so much that the stick broke down.
The girl whose bag weighed 15 kg, studies in the fifth standard. After seeing the bag, the Commission members asked it to be weighed on the spot. The principal was directed to ensure that the children aren't put under the burden and made to carry heavy school bags.
The Commission chairman, Raghvendra Sharma and member, Brajesh Singh Chouhan had visited the school and found that there were major lapses in the way children are treated. The school buses were ramshackle and needed repair.
One driver had neither the driving licence, nor other documents. The school management was told that there should not be unnecessary text books and only the books in syllabus must be used during the studies. Another aspect that drew attention of the Commission was that there were no photographs of dignitaries.
The school didn't have the photograph of the President of India, either. Among those who were present included Child Welfare Committee (CWC) president Dr Ajay Khewaria, District Education Officer RB Sindoskar, Women and Child Welfare Officer OP Pandey, amongst others.