Elected panchayat representatives urged to help in efforts to get all children to schools

Senior Correspondent
BHOPAL: A call was given to elected panchayat representatives on Thursday to ensure that all children in their village panchayats were enrolled in school and attending.
The call came from Margaret Gwada, Chief UNICEF office of Madhya Pradesh, at a meeting with the panchayat elected representatives (panchs, sarpanchs) on Thursday at Bhopal.
Around 60 panchayat members from Sehore, Dewas and Jhabua districts attended the meet and discussed the topic ‘school education, possibilities and challenges’.
The representatives said that education is an important milestone for the life of a child, and shared the efforts made by them and the state government to get children to school especially during COVID-19 pandemic.
The meeting was organised by UNICEF in partnership with NGOs Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samiti (BGVS) and Youth4Children network.
Gwada, in her addressed, urged the panchayat representatives to ensure that in the coming six months no child is left out of school in these panchayats. Motivating them, she said “with leaders like you it is possible! Education is a right for every child and with your commitment let’s makes it happen in your panchayats,” she said.
Asha Mishra of BGVS said that the elected representatives can make sure that all children in their panchayat are in school. Also the gram sabha meetings in the panchayats can have school education as an issue.
F A Jami, Education Specialist, UNICEF made a presentation highlighting right to education (RTE) and schemes of the state government that support school education. Anil Gulati, UNICEF Communication Specialist and Pooja Singh, Social Policy Specialist, facilitated the discussion.
As a way forward, the elected representatives committed that in next six months they will take steps to make sure that all kids in their panchayats went to school, that the upcoming gram sabha meetings will have an agenda of education and they will play proactive role in school management committees and Bal Sabhas.