Chhattisgarh police takes action against cow vigilantes for attack at dairy, assault over false allegations
Shams Ur Rehman Alavi
RAIPUR: The Chhattisgarh police arrested self-styled cow vigilantes who had attacked a dairy in Raipur, went on rampage and assaulted the owner.
Later, the members of the cow vigilante group had laid siege to a police station and held a demonstration, demanding action against the dairy owner. However, their allegations turned out to be false.
The incident had occurred at the dairy of Usman Qureshi at Sarona in Raipur. The complainant told police that Amardeep Sharma, Shubhankar Dwivedi, Hori La Sahu, Akhilesh Sondhia and nearly a dozen others had reached his dairy on late Saturday night.
The intruders created a ruckus, smashed goods and when Qureshi asked them to stop, he and his associates were threatened and assaulted. They later alleged that he was involved in bovine smuggling and beef trade.
Subsequently, they went to police station and alleged that remains of dead cows were found at the dairy farm but police found the allegations to be untrue. Hence, no case was registered on the complaint of vigilantes most of whom were members of Bajrang Dal.
Acting on Qureshi's complaint, the police have registered a case against the accused--Amardeep, Shubhankar and others. Some of the accused have been arrested. The CCTV footage showed that the intruders were involved in hooliganism.
They were booked for rioting, trespass, causing hurt and criminal conspiracy. Besides, the vigilantes had also created ruckus at Usman's kin Islam Qureshi's shop as well. The police said that others who are absconding would be caught soon. [Representative photo]